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  • Sober Second Thoughts: Should they stay or should they go


    Let’s be honest. There is no way to have a balanced, rational discussion about last night’s TFC game.

    Those that are inclined to negativity – and that would be about 80 per cent of the fan base – aren’t able or willing to see any positives, ever. Toronto sucked, the tactics were all wrong and SEE! WE TOLD YOU SO!!

    On the other hand the other 20 per cent are so sick of the majority moaning about everything that they overcompensate themselves. Glaring errors -- the club’s inability to mark attackers, for one -- are obviously ignored for the sake of unhelpful positivism.

    There is much work yet to be done. That is clear. Although things weren’t as bad as some want to paint it, the bottom line is that the team isn’t all that good.

    At halftime last night I tweeted the following:

    "The problem with TFC is that the players aren’t good enough."


    With a new manager another remake is going to be needed. Rather than break down the minutiae, let’s have a look at each player currently under contract and evaluate their usefulness to the club.


    Needs to go

    Miguel Aceval D ($199,086.72)

    TFC gets credit for trying to find players in a market that can produce undervalued talent. The thing about fishing, however, is you need to know when to throw fish back. Aceval has been bumped by a homegrown player – it’s time to throw him back.

    Ty Harden D ($98,666.67)

    Poor Ty. You might be able to get a low draft pick for him if you can find a team that needs defensive depth. However, if you get rid of these two guys that should leave enough room to bring in a top centreback – just have to find one...

    Probably should go

    Julian de Guzman M ($1,910,746)

    So much has been said about de Guzman and his salary there is little need to repeat it here. Unless he’s willing to come back for around $150,000 it’s time to move on.

    Efrain Burgos Jr M ($33,750)

    It’s a bit harsh, but he hasn’t shown enough to justify spending an American (through green card) slot on. Use the development spot on a Canadian.

    Aaron Maund D ($59,000)

    See above.

    Nicholas Lindsay F ($45,100)

    The injury has, sadly, more than likely ended a promising career.

    Richard Eckersley ($390,000)

    He’s a fan favourite. Cause he tries hard. Gets angry. He also has the worst contract in the league and lacks basic defensive skills. If he was paid four times less he’d be fine. As it is, his contract is every bit the anchor many claim de Guzman’s is.

    Should go while they have value

    Stefan Frei GK ($175,000)

    The injury will make it complicated, but with Kocic showing that he can start TFC would be wise to see if they can get an asset for Frei – the interest will almost certainly be in-league.

    Terry Dunfield M ($86,000)

    He’s a useful, depth midfielder that may attract interest from a contending team that needs to beef up its squad for multiple competitions.

    Eric Avila M ($158,000)

    The salary is on the upper end for the production. He’s shown flashes; we need to see more. However, his overall talent should attract interest and could land an asset.

    Ryan Johnson M ($137,813)

    Johnson is likely the one player on TFC’s roster that could bring a MLS-ready player back to Toronto. He’s revitalised his career since coming over and is at a decent salary number. TFC shouldn’t give him up for nothing, but if a solid defender were there for the taking, Johnson would be a realistic price they’d have to give up.

    Last chance

    Keith Makubuya F ($44,000)

    All prospects have a best before date. Makubuya’s is the end of the year. If the season keeps going the way it is, he should get a look and a decision should be made.

    Oscar Cordon M ($44,000)

    Same as above.

    Matthew Stinson M ($44,000)

    And again – history tells us Stinson is most likely to stick, but then again an argument can be made that he’s also had the most chance to stay.

    Logan Emory D ($44,000)

    Emory is the type of player that will always be year-to-year at this level. He may not get another chance, but if he does he needs to find a way to stick out (other than the hair) and prove that he’s more than another replaceable journeyman.

    Jeremy Hall M ($149,000)

    It comes down to the contract and a career that is moving the wrong way. Yesterday’s start wasn’t the most promising, with Ashtone Morgan seemingly the better, younger, cheaper and more Canadian option TFC should be looking at.

    Dicoy Williams D ($52,500)

    The second he’s deemed healthy enough he needs to be put in the starting line-up. We haven’t seen enough to know what he is so it’s imperative we find out.

    Torsten Frings M ($2,413,666.67)

    Yep. Look at the player in the strip, not the name on the back. Yes, he’s quality but he’s not without weakness at this point in his career. Toronto needs to take a hard look at everyone, including its three DPs.

    Danny Koevermans F ($1,563,323.33)

    Like Koevermans, who might be the most disappointing player on the squad this season. He’s paid to score and had two point blank looks last night. The Reds lost 0-2. Koevermans has been given too much of a free pass by fans so far. At 1-10, it’s hard to understand why.

    Keep, but need more

    Joao Plata F ($50,000)

    He’s not movable because of his size and now that TFC shifted its allocation burden all onto Eckersley they might as well keep working with him. If Plata is named player of the year by any of the supporter’s groups again, however....

    Nick Soolsma M-F ($110,000)

    I’ve been told by insiders that no player was sweating more by Paul Mariner’s assent to the top job than Soolsma. Mariner’s not a fan.

    Reggie Lambe M ($62,500)

    He’s young and likely here for a while – need more consistency, however.

    Luis Silva M ($79,000)

    More was (perhaps unfairly) expected from the rookie. No one is ready to give up, but the first third of the season has to be a disappointment.

    Keep, more or less satisfied

    Adrian Cann D ($134,750)

    Throughout TFC’s twisted and dysfunctional history few players have demonstrated the consistency or leadership of Cann.

    Ashtone Morgan D ($44,000)

    Morgan might be the only untouchable on TFC’s roster – the combination of youth, skill, potential, zero cap hit and passport is extremely valuable for TFC. They’d be idiots to get rid of him.

    Doneil Henry D ($45,100)

    As they would with Henry, for all of the same reasons.

    Quillan Roberts GK ($ 33,750)

    Roberts is still very much a prospect, but has impressed in reserve play. If they are to move Frei or (less likely) Kocic then a cheap back-up like Roberts becomes valuable.

    Milos Kocic GK ($44,100)

    A Starter playing on a back-ups salary, Kocic provides TFC with rare value in the keeping position.

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