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  • Sober Second Thoughts: Love ya, babe, but maybe we just need a little break


    Sometimes a midseason break is as much for the fans as it is the players. That’s kind of where things are at for Toronto FC in 2011.

    The Reds are sort of like a really hot, but clingy, girlfriend/boyfriend. You don’t want to dump them, but God do you need a little space from them right now. A week or so apart might be enough to remind you of their good qualities and, by doing so, it might stop you from diving in front of a bus.

    Saturday against Houston was only entertaining in the most abstract of ways. There was a famous line in the classic 90s movie Reality Bites that suggested that sex was a lot like pizza – even when it was bad, it was still pretty good. Substitute sex for football and you’ll have an idea of what it looked like.

    No shots, no chances, no passion and no chance. Another road game and another loss. And, so it goes. It’s hard to get worked up about something when you know the result going in. The WWE is less predictable than a TFC road game right now.

    [PRBREAK][/PRBREAK]The most interesting thing about the game came after the final whistle when Aron Winter threw the whole team under the bus. Apparently he’s spending the break trading players. Good luck getting assets back Coach.

    Clearly something has to change. Even the most loyal and positive TFC fans are at a bit of a breaking point. The 11 day break is great, but it’s only temporary. It will be Wednesday, Saturday every week again soon enough. Logically, most understand 2011 is about building a foundation, but emotionally it can be hard to deal with the negative outcomes week after week.

    The thing about breaks is that as much as they can refresh they can also remind us that we are better off alone. Sure, sometimes things are great, but are those fleeting moments worth the pain and insanity of the rest of the time.

    Most of us have signed up for TFC for the long haul, but, based on e-mails I receive and comments to CSN, this club might not be for everyone.

    Enjoy the break. Hopefully, most of you will be back for more in eight days time.

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