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  • Sober Second Thoughts: Let the auditions begin


    In the end Paul Mariner appeared to choose the CCL. Despite speculation – and some strong rumours – that he might not go full out against Santos Laguna on Tuesday, it seems like the opposite will be true.

    When TFC’s line-up for Saturday’s borderline meaningless game against Houston was released you could almost hear the supporters sign in relief.

    No Torsten Frings and no Eric Hassli. No hope as well some thought.

    Turns out the latter wasn’t the case. TFC gutted out a road draw, which means little to them but a great deal to the team in orange. Playing spoiler doesn’t exactly get the fans fired up, but it’s all the Reds have now -- that and players trying to impress to return in 2013.

    The core of the team is basically understood for next year.

    [PRBREAK][/PRBREAK]Darren O'Dea, Ashtone Morgan, Danny Koevermans, Ryan Johnson, Doneil Henry, Torsten Frings, Stefan Frei, Logan Emory, Richard Eckersley, Terry Dunfield and Luis Silva are all very likely to be back. You can probably add Reggie Lambe and Quincy Amarikwa to the list, although they would be a step below.

    Additionally, we can see the writing on the wall for a few players. Eric Avila, Ty Harden and Dicoy Williams are most likely gone.

    Putting aside the homegrown players – they will all be with the club until their initial contracts run out -- there are several bubble players that will be looking to make an impression down the stretch.

    Adrian Cann – He is not one of Mariner’s favourites and costs a bit more than some like. Has he ever fully recovered from the knee injury? Cann is in tough to return, but he is a scrappy veteran so he should not be counted out.

    Jeremy Hall – He’s young, but he’s failed to make a significant impression. The lack of depth at fullback is his biggest help.

    Eric Hassli – Probably the highest profile decision will be whether to retain Hassli. He’s already shown both sides of his game while at Toronto, scoring and sending a few balls into the lake. Hassli may be asked to come back as a non-DP. This will be Mariner’s biggest test of the off-season.

    Milos Kocic – His inclusion on the bubble list may surprise some, but there are some on the club that have not been happy with his overall play. CSN has been told by several people that there is no debate as to who TFC’s top keeper is – it’s Frei. Kocic is cheap now. TFC knows they will probably need to give him more if he is going to stick around, especially with triplets on the way. He will be in a battle for the 2013 back-up roll for the rest of this season.

    Freddy Hall – He’s likely a step below Kocic, but the team may view him as better value if Kocic can’t play at his current salary.

    Aaron Maund – Mariner is attempting to convert him into a cheap holding mid. If he succeeds he’ll be back as a depth player.

    Joao Plata – He’s not around, but it’s no sure thing Plata returns to the club in January. This is not a player that fits into Mariner’s system and the way his leaving was handled left a sour taste in the mouth of the front office (blame for the PR aspect of the move can be shared, but Plata and his representatives deserve to be criticized for speaking out before the club had a chance to act).

    Andrew Wiedeman – He’s going to need to show a little of the finishing Mariner seems to think he has to be back. Other areas of his game are clearly subpar.

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