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  • Sober Second Thoughts: I love it when a plan comes together


    Perspective is for tomorrow. There will likely be plenty of voices calling for calm and they won't be wrong.

    Right now, however, it's OK to stay focused on the positives. There were plenty.

    Let's start with the most basic of all: TFC won the game. On the road. Against Seattle.

    Despite a sluggish pre-season and only having Jermain Defoe in camp for one week they found a way. When you think about the past, it's hard to imagine another time when that would have happened.

    They did it by setting out to play a counter game which would utilize the one gift that Defoe has that is so very rare. He scores goals.

    Neither of Defoe's goals were beautiful in a jump off the couch and scream wow kind of way, but both were technically perfect. Watch his first touch, how he recognized the smallest space and how he instinctively he took it. Then marvel at the calm finish. How many times have you seen a TFC striker put it into row Z? That was never going to happen with Defoe because scoring goals is instinctive to him.

    Any doubt anyone had about the signing should have been erased with those two goals. There might be two other strikers in MLS that can finish as well. Both came from the Premier League as well.

    In a league like MLS having a player that can instantly change a game is vital and it's why concerns about other aspects of TFC's starting line-up were overstated.

    Defoe will cover up TFC mistakes elsewhere.

    So, will Michael Bradley.

    Bradley was everywhere and he's the No 1 reason why the panic of old was missing in the final 10 minutes. TFC will probably allow a late goal or two this year, but Tobias is dead. It won't be the norm. Bradley won't allow it.

    Nor will Julio Cesar. When Brazil's No 1's debut takes third billing something special is happening. But, make no mistake Cesar was a huge part in the win. He made at least two world class saves and effectively killed time down the stretch.

    Let's not forget Henry and Caldwell. Quietly they both had a huge game.

    Then there was Osorio. Playing a slightly different role than last year he didn't look like he was about to go on a sophomore slump.

    I could go on, but we'll end with the first point made.

    3 points. On the road. Against a glamour MLS team.

    It just got real, folks.

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