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  • Sober Second Thoughts: Good


    A win is a win is a win and a win is always good.

    So, let’s not completely dismiss the value of TFC’s 3-0 win against Aguila. After 10 straight games without a three-point effort, any win is welcome.

    On a pragmatic level it keeps TFC alive in the CONCACAF Champions League, however marginally (The Reds would need to go down to Torreon and beat the second best team in North America by three goals to advance). However, being alive in the competition is always better than not being alive.

    So, that’s a good thing.


    Other than Luis Silva’s knock – that should have resulted in a red card, but looked like a nasty bruise more than anything more problematic – the club also escaped without any injuries. Playing on a glorified farmer’s field in the high humidity of Central America is never easy, and it’s never a sure thing that all the bodies that start the game will finish it.

    So, that’s a good thing too.

    From a growth perspective it was nice to see the team shut down a club, even if that club would struggle to beat a CIS team. It’s pretty clear that the El Salvadorian league isn’t all that strong, but you have to beat the team that is front of you. Toronto has struggled to beat anyone in 2012. They beat a team last night.

    So, also good.

    Terry Dunfield scored a brace. He’s a heart on the sleeve guy and, regardless of whether you think he’s good enough to start in MLS, you’d have to be dead to not enjoy his primal scream upon scoring his second last night. Dunfield has had a decent second half of the season. Let’s celebrate small victories.

    Good, good and good.

    Lastly, three dedicated/crazy/lost TFC fans went down to El Salvador and had a blast. You could clearly hear them sing “Can you hear Aguila sing,” Danny Dichio, and many other standards throughout the contest. They didn't boo anyone. They didn't seem angry at the world. They reminded us all that we go to games to have fun and for one night it was nice to see a purer appreciation of things.


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