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  • Sober Second Thoughts: Almost there


    If only Kevin McKenna placed the ball 6-inches to the right.

    In the final seconds of Canada’s frustrating 0-0 draw against Honduras last spring the big defender, Canada’s best player this qualifying round, flashed the ball just past the post. If he had scored then Canada would be on 12 points. Honduras 7. The hex would be ours.

    Woulda, coulda, shoulda, of course. The ball went wide. Canada still has work to do.


    But, it’s in their hands. Friday’s comprehensive 3-0 victory over Cuba means that the boys in Red are one point away from the final six in CONCACAF. There are all kinds of ways to negatively spin the results Friday – Canada should have scored more, Panama could have helped, we never win away, but the truth is it’s right there.

    After the 2008 disaster, that’s significant. With 10 points in this round Canada has absolutely stepped up. It’s trite to say that they should be proud regardless of the outcome Tuesday, but it’s also true. The dark days are done. It will only get better from here.

    But, God does Tuesday matter. No one wants to wait another four years to get to the pinnacle of CONCACAF. The mere thought of it is enough to drive a fan mad. Losing in Honduras would be devastating. Fully, completely, mind-bending devastating. No amount of logic about growth, improvement or showing well would heal the wounds that a loss Tuesday would bring.

    If you’re a fan of this team you are terrified by Tuesday. Canada simple does not win games like Tuesday.

    But they have to. There is too much on the line. It would be too cruel.

    This team is so close to breaking through to the mainstream consciousness of Canadians. People want to care. If they can make the hex, it’s going to explode.

    And, that’s why long-time fans don’t want to let themselves believe it’s possible.

    But, it is. As long as the players believe it is, that is.

    Canada has scored more goals than Honduras and allowed less in this round. They thoroughly outplayed them last Spring. On paper, they are more talented. Still, last month’s spineless loss in Panama is hard to shake. On that day they played scared. They can’t play scared on Tuesday.

    They have to play like a team that believes they belong in Brazil. It says here that if they get the result in Honduras they will be there.

    So, let yourself dream. Tuesday could be devastating, but it also could be the best day in Canadian men’s soccer in 12 years.

    I believe it will be. Do you?

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