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  • Simply the best


    Thierry Henry spoke to the New York media yesterday and gave his thoughts on a variety of subjects. For Canadians, there was one particular thing that he said that should be of interest.


    In this league I haven’t seen anybody better than Dwayne De Rosario.

    Wow. Put aside your personal thoughts on DeRo, or on how he left Toronto FC, and absorb that for a minute.

    Thierry Henry, French international, World Cup winner, Arsenal legend, Ligue 1, La Liga and Premiership winner (oh, and the Champions League too), thinks that Dwayne de Rosario, kid from Scarborough, is the best player he’s seen in MLS.

    He went on to suggest that DeRo is “the face of the league” and that he is not talked about enough.

    As said, wow.

    There is little doubt that the De Rosario camp did not handle the end of TFC well. There is also little doubt that he occasionally earns the MeRo tag. However, he is incredibly talented and has had an amazing career. Not an amazing career for a MLS player, but rather an amazing career, period.

    DeRo has never played the game in the keep-your-head-down-and-know-your-role way that Canadians are supposed play. And that’s a good thing that needs to be celebrated more.

    Henry is absolutely right – the league needs to talk about DeRo more. Canadians do too.

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