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  • Show me the money: A deeper look at TFC's salaries


    An analysis of TFC’s salaries.

    It’s not fair, really. No one wakes up and evaluates whether you or I are overpaid. No one evaluates our work and determines whether we should be canned.

    Then again, we aren’t working in a salary cap environment and we don’t play a game for a living.

    Since life isn’t fair, a breakdown of TFC’s salaries is below the jump.


    Agbossoumonde - $46,500.00 (cap hit: $53,166.67)

    A minimum salary for a player that has played significant minutes? This is likely fair.

    Bekker - $46,500.00 (cap hit: $67,750.00)

    The fact that the third over all pick is making a league senior minimum is telling. Did TFC trade the first overall pick because they didn’t want to pay first overall salary? Andrew Farrell is on a $161,000 cap hit.

    Bendik - $46,500.00 (cap hit: $46,500.00)

    If he continues to start he’ll need to be given a raise -- $175,000 is the going rate for a starting keeper in MLS.

    Bennett - $46,500.00 (Cap hit: $46,500.00)

    League minimum, yes, but probably still too much.

    Bostock - $99,996.00 (Cap hit: $99,996.00)

    It’s surprising that it’s this low, but, based on his performance so far it’s probably about right. The key will be what is offered once the loan ends. There is a good chance that Spurs is paying some of the wage bill.

    Braun - $112,200.00 (cap hit: $114,700.00)

    He needs to be a lot less brittle, but there have been enough flashes to suggest that he’s worth the cap hit – strikers, even those that are third options, aren’t cheap.

    Califf - $165,000.00 (cap hit: $165,000.00)

    He’s being paid for the past. This is a salary error that can’t be blamed on the sins of the past.

    Dunfield - $120,000.00 (Cap hit: $120,000.00)

    This is nearly $40,000 raise from 2012. The injury makes it difficult to take, but Dunfield was one of the few earning his money in the early going of the year.

    Earnshaw - $138,000.00 (Cap hit: $155,150.00)

    Clearly this is very good value.

    Eckersley - $210,000.00 (Cap hit: $310,000.00)

    Eckersley continues to carry the burden of TFC’s decision to hide Joao Plata’s loan extension fee – they used all allocation available to pay down Plata, therefore requiring an additional $100,000 cap hit each year of his contract. Is he worth a $310k cap hit? No. But, he’s too valuable to the team to get rid of, so TFC is stuck with it.

    Emory - $48,400.00 (cap hit: $48,400.00)

    You get what you pay for.

    Ephraim – $180,000.00 (Cap hit: $180,000.00)

    He hasn’t come close to earning this. Another cap hit that can’t be blamed on others.

    Frei - $145,000.00 (Cap hit: $200,000.00)

    Clearly, he’s over paid for a back-up keeper. The question is whether he should be a back-up keeper. His salary is in line with what other starting keepers get.

    Hall - 80,000.00 (cap hit: $90,000.00)

    Before the season started there would have been many that would have questioned his number. However, he’s been one of the few players to play above expectations.

    Henry - $50,000.00 (cap hit: $62,083.33)

    Unfortunately, Henry has not advanced and is a tad bit over paid.

    Koevermans - 1,250,000.00 (Cap hit $0 until returns. Likely $167,500 once returns – half-season DP number. Full DP is $368,750)

    If he’s able to return to form he’s worth a DP cap hit. If not…

    Laba - 200,000.00 (cap hit: $150,000)

    Too early to tell

    Lambe - 67,500.00 (cap hit: $70,000.00)

    Considering the amount of time he’s played, it’s good value. Considering that many feel he shouldn’t be playing as much, it’s not good value. The truth is probably in the middle: he’s valued correctly.

    Morgan - 60,000.00 (cap hit: $72,000.00)

    His struggles, combined with this cap hit, puts Morgan very much in danger of becoming the new Nana Attakora.

    Morgan, Taylor - 35,125.00 (cap hit $0)

    A development contract is nothing to get too worked up about one way or another.

    O'Dea - 350,000.00 (Cap hit: $335,000)

    O’Dea is TFC’s best defender, but at that cap hit he should be one of the league’s best defenders. He isn’t.

    Osorio - 46,500.00 (cap hit $0)

    A very good value so far. Osorio is the best story in Toronto this year – by far.

    Richter - 35,125.00 (cap hit $0)

    So far this looks like a nice piece of business by Kevin Payne.

    Roberts - 46,500.00 (Cap hit $0)

    The kid needs to play somewhere. His salary should be the least of TFC’s fan worries.

    Russell - 99,999.96 (cap hit: $109,874.96)

    Based on the evidence, this is a bad contract. And, free of Winter/Mariner blame.

    Silva - 70,400.00 (cap hit: $105,400.00)

    One of the few contracts that is a great value.

    Welshman - 46,500.00 (cap hit $46,500)

    Needs more playing time to determine if he has what it takes to stay long-term.

    Wiedeman - 55,000.00 (cap hit: $65,000.00)

    He’s not the greatest finisher of the modern era, but he is worth $65,000. Really.

    If you’re keeping score at home, TFC’s total estimated cap hit right now is $2,533,020.96.

    That would leave about $416,979.04 in cap space.

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