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  • Should it have been called?


    There are a few people -- mostly those that were many, many miles from BMO Field last night -- that are still arguing that the Nutrilite Canadian Championship game last night should have not been called. They have suggested that if the teams had just pushed through the first 30 minute delay that the game would have been over by the time things got really crazy from a weather perspective.


    I'd like to point those people to this video, which shows lightning damage from a home that was 6.5 km from BMO Field.

    Here is another video showing the Toronto skyline that appears to have been taken during the game.

    It really sucks to be Vancouver, I'm sure, but:

    Not to be dramatic, but lightning can kill. While working for a community paper, I had the misfortune of covering a soccer tournament a few years ago that experienced a fatality from a lightning strike (14-year-old Sarah McLain was killed while playing for a Maine u14 side against a team from Fredericton, NB. There were 20 others hurt). I'm pretty sure no trophy is worth that -- not even the Voyageurs Cup.

    So, should the game have been called? Absolutely.

    But, let's give the final word to Teitur Thordarson.

    "I'm disappointed, of course, but there are reasons. The field was difficult and the lightning, of course, is dangerous. So there are obvious reasons."

    If the coach can say that less than an hour after having a cup all but ripped out of his hand then you would hope that the fans could let go too.

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