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  • Security crackdown at TFC


    Supporter's groups at TFC have been told of new rules that will be in effect from the Columbus game forward. The club reaction is likely as a result of a smoke bomb and several flares being lit during the DC United game last Saturday.

    DC United striker Charlie Davies also had several cups of beers tossed at him as he was inciting the supporter's section during a goal celebration. Davies was not punished. He clearly should have been.

    The rules are:


    - In the past seasons, we talked about the need to receive from your groups any items (banners, flags, drums, bags, etc) that you wanted to bring to your sections, which are not yet under our care at the stadium - before gates open. This will now be enforced, we will receive your items at gate 3B up to 45 minutes before gates open (or the day before a game if it works best for you) and we'll ask that you inform to us what you will be bringing to ensure we have the proper personnel to receive and bring to your sections.

    - At all gates, as of this Saturday, you can expect searches and pat downs, which will be taking place every game going forward.

    - No streamers, novelty ribbon or any items in general will be permitted under any circumstances (including goal celebrations) in the supporters sections. Anyone found throwing any item will be ejected.

    - Supporter Group Capos will continue to be allowed but we'll need to hear from you the day before a game the name of the person that will be acting as the leader on field for us to produce an accreditation, which will need to be picked up at gate 4 (with a photo ID).

    - We will also reinforce the security around your sections to better ensure the safety of all patrons.

    Reaction amongst the supporter's has been nearly universally negative. It's felt that the club is punishing everyone for the actions of a few. There is particular concern over the pat downs as the last time the club implemented a pat down policy people were delayed up to 30 minutes in getting into the stadium.

    There is no indication that any protests are planned, but it would not be surprising if some did occur.

    We will be watching this closely.

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