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  • Saputo finally weighs in


    Joey Saputo, president of the Montreal Impact, and whose cheese company is a major sponsor of the Quebec Soccer Federaion finally weighed in today with comment on the QSF turban ban.

    In typical Saputo fashion, he doesn't hesitate to speak his mind and take an unprovoked shot at the Canadian Soccer Association.


    "Personally, I don’t think we should stop a child from playing soccer at the youth level because they wear a turban. However, I understand the decision made by the Quebec Soccer Federation based on a FIFA rule that allows for interpretation. Comments accusing the QSF of racism are misplaced in regards to the context with which the federation made its decision. The Canadian Soccer Association made a recommendation and did not officially state its position to provincial federations. Furthermore, the decision by the Canadian Soccer Association to suspend the QSF is exaggerated. All parties involved must find some common ground for the good of the sport."

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