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  • Possibility of pro soccer in Hamilton takes hit


    Hamilton city council voted 9-6 against a motion that would have approved a stadium location that would have been acceptable to the Hamilton Tiger-Cats of the CFL. Currently there are no sites under consideration that Ti-Cats owner and potential soccer investor Bob Young would consider.


    Today's decision is another in a long line of set-backs that have befallen those that want to get a stadium built in Hamilton. City officials have long pushed for a downtown location which would act as a revitalization project for the down market area. The Tiger-Cats have preferred an area that would allow them to control parking revenue and has more development opportunity.

    The Tiger-Cats are significant investors in the project and without them a stadium seems less likely to be built. From a soccer perspective no other investor has stepped up to say they are willing to bring a team to the city.

    There are still a few weeks before the Pan/Am committee's deadline to Hamilton to find a site. However, things have never looked bleaker. It seems highly unlikely that a compromise can be found that would satisfy the Ti-Cats and allow for Young to bring D2 soccer to the city.

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