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  • Plata out of Toronto?


    The agent for Joao Plata has tweeted that Plata is "very close" to transferring to Salt Lake City.


    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>@<a href="https://twitter.com/joaoplata10">joaoplata10</a> muy cerca de Real Salt Lake, hoy se confirma.</p>— Gustavo Lescovich (@guslescovich) <a href="

    ">January 24, 2013</a></blockquote>

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    The translation reads: JoaoPlata10 very close to Real Salt Lake, now it is confirmed.

    There is no information about what SLC is giving up to Toronto to obtain his rights but what is clear is that this would not be a loan deal, as is being suggested by Futbol Ecuador. For the time being, Toronto is denying the move.

    More as it develops.

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