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  • OWQ day 4: The Rest of the Story


    You’ll be forgiven if you decided to take yesterday’s Olympic qualifying tournament off. Hopefully organizers feel a little guilty for charging anyone to watch the double header, which saw a combined score of Winners 20 – Losers 0.

    Of note to Canadian and American fans will be this line from the box score:

    Leroux (48', 50', 57', 70', 87)

    It’s surprising they keep stats in training, but there ya go...

    Yes, Sydney Leroux, LeJudas as some (not all, but some) in Canada have dubbed her, tied an American record for most goals in a match. She is talented, that much is certain.

    The whole thing played out in front of her Canadian mother holding up a sign that said “dreams do come true.” No one is going to fault mom for being proud for daughter, but the hanging question of why a girl growing up in Canada dreamed of playing for the United States remains. And no one has yet bothered to ask Leroux or the family why they accepted a Canadian youth call-up if the goal was always the US.

    Since we’re belabouring it anyway, that’s the biggest question of all. How does the story of her dreaming of Stars and Stripes as a child match up with the decision to accept Canada’s call? Even if you believe she made the right choice you must understand the position of those that argue that she should not have taken resources from the Canadian program under the false pretence that she was going to represent this country.

    If the current line is true, the Leroux’s used the Canadian system to improve her game enough so that she could gain the attention of the Americans. The CSA should hand the family an invoice. Or ask the USSF for a transfer fee.


    I’m joking, of course, but it would make great theatre if they did, don’t you think? Dramatically. Hold a press conference the day before the final. Think of the attention...

    When Leroux scored her fifth goal you could hear a few boos in BC Place. Those that voiced their displeasure were doing so under the risk of expulsion by BC Place security. Throughout the game, reports of security harassing fans in the Voyageurs/Southsiders section were being posted on Twitter. The fans there were told they could not hang a banner that said “Not welcome LeJudas.” Additionally, heckling Leroux and American keeper Hope Solo was also prohibited under threat of expulsion.

    The group says that they were careful to ensure not to swear while heckling.

    Meanwhile photos of a sigh that said “America: Fuck ya” were posted. Apparently that sign was allowed to remain.

    Before the tournament started, the Canadian women called for fans in Vancouver to provide support like we see at Whitecaps games.

    It seems that the message didn’t get to stadium security.

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