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  • New coach on the way for Toronto FC?


    It didn't take Kevin Payne long to start making an impact at Toronto FC.

    If you were too engrossed in your morning's EPL games, or don't follow many French reporters on Twitter you may have missed that Toronto could be looking for a change at its coaching post

    And who Patrick Friolet, of RDS, is reporting could be on the way is going to leave some scratching their heads


    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Jesse Marsch a reçu une offre pour diriger le Toronto FC <a href="https://twitter.com/search/%23MLS">#MLS</a></p>— Patrick Friolet (@PFrioletRDS) <a href="

    " data-datetime="2012-12-08T15:00:56+00:00">December 8, 2012</a></blockquote>

    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Le président Kevin Payme est un proche de Bob Bradley, qui entretient des liens étroits avec March <a href="https://twitter.com/search/%23MLS">#MLS</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/search/%23IMFC">#IMFC</a></p>— Patrick Friolet (@PFrioletRDS) <a href="

    " data-datetime="2012-12-08T15:07:05+00:00">December 8, 2012</a></blockquote>

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    If you don't understand French the first tweet says that Jesse Marsch (former Montreal Impact coach) has received an offer to lead Toronto FC.

    The second tweet reads that Toronto FC president Kevin Payne has ties with Bob Bradley who has close ties to MLS.

    Bradley was a coaching mentor to Marsch for a number of years.

    What do you think of this news? Would Marsch be an upgrade over Paul Mariner? Or does Mariner deserve time to play out his vision? Or is this Payne simply stocking up coaching talent on a thin-on-talent coaching roster?

    UPDATE 11:00am - Canadian Soccer News has spoken to someone with knowledge of the situation and they have confirmed that the offer by Toronto FC would be to lead the team, not act as an assistant. Marsch left Toronto today after meeting with Payne on the matter. Marsch has also had talks with Chivas USA so TFC's is not the only one on the table.

    UPDATE: 2:05p.m. - Both Payne and Mariner have denied the report.

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