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  • Montagliani named to CONCACAF executive


    Canada Soccer has announced that CSA president Victor Montagliani has been named to the CONCACAF executive.

    It is a four year term and he replaces USSF president Suni Gulati, who has been elected to the FIFA executive.

    The CONCACAF executive committee is made up of seven members: one Chairman, three Vice Presidents and three members, with each Vice President and member representing the geographical areas in the region.

    Montagliani's election has been proceeded by a number of other recent Canadian appointments to CONCACAF committee positions.


    The others are as follows:

    Victor Montagliani

    Gold Cup Committee

    Television and Media Advisory

    Peter Montopoli

    Women’s Championships Committee

    Security/Fair Play Committee

    Administration Panel

    Steve Reed

    Ethics Committee

    Tony Fonseca

    Technical Committee

    John Herdman

    Women’s Technical Committee

    Hector Vergara

    Referees Committee

    Charlie Cuzzetto

    Appeal Committee

    Dr. Andrew Pipe

    Sports Medicine Committee

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