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  • Media day mania


    Media day is a funny thing. It's a bit like a trip to the dentist for most of the players, I suspect. By the time they get to the media room they'll already spent half the day posing for official photos. The cliches to journos are mostly through gritted teeth.

    It's also not a day for beat writers to get much worthwhile. Most of the well known TFC writers either skipped the event or hung back to let TV get their shots.

    It's a b-roll, stock photo kind of day and a day that goes way too long every year.

    That said, here are 10 observations from today.


    1) Nick Hagglund clearly was the happiest man in the room. Unlike the jaded vets, Hagglund looked happier than the infamous kid in that candy store. With the news that Ryan Richter is now apparently a centreback, a trip to Wilmington looks likely, but he's enjoying his time in the show for now. He's probably going to need to add muscle if he's going to play CB at this level.

    2) Speaking of adding weight, Doneil Henry is an absolute beast. He looks like he's added 15 lbs. And, he's got a snarl on -- When someone asked him to smile for a photo he growled, "I don't smile"

    3) Julio Cesar is coming. They can't outright say it, but they all but did.

    4) Tim Bezbatchenko absolutely tossed past management under the bus. He said the last two years at TFC were "unacceptable" and that they were "trying to treat players a lot better" than has been the case in the past. Ouch.

    5) Ryan Nelsen said that no decision had been made on what players are going to Wilmington. He said that age, potential to getting playing time and the needs of the Hammerheads are the main factor in making the decision.

    6) Teenager Jordan Hamilton looks to already have the physical tools to compete. I'd be stunned if he isn't going to North Carolina to get a year's playing time.

    7) Bezbatchenko said there was still ways to add a player. He didn't seen concerned about the cap.

    8) It looks like it's about a 99 percent chance Laba will play 2014 elsewhere. He wasn't made available today.

    9) Gilberto said that the language barrier was the most difficult adjustment so far. And, his translator has very cool hair.

    10) Bezbatchenko is confident. He said that he would stack up TFC's line-up against any team in the league. The playoffs are the minimum required.

    Oh, and everyone is going to take it one game at a time while giving it 110 percent.

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