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  • Matheson > Sinclair in 2013


    This article originally ran at The Equalizer. In an effort to fully stand behind my vote for player of the year, I'm re-running it here now.

    My men's vote went 1) Will Johnson, 2) Patrice Bernier, 3) Jonathon Osorio. I tend to put slightly more weight on club performance than country and my voting reflects that.

    Full women's article below the jump. Italics have been added to portions of the article new from original publish.


    For eight consecutive years the naming if the Canadian women's player of the year has been an exercise in acclimation.

    It's Christine Sinclair's award. Her brilliance has been so clear that there was a half serious discussion a couple years ago about whether it would make sense to give her a lifetime achievement award of some type and then award the player of the year to the second best performance.

    Last year was the peak of her glory. In addition to winning the soccer award she was also named the top Canadian athlete, period. It was the first time a soccer player had captured the top award and it was a proud moment for everyone associated with the game in Canada.

    Flash forward a year and we are once again in award season. Sinclair is not in the conversation for the overall award this time, but it is almost certain she will win her ninth consecutive award on the soccer side.

    She shouldn't. And, as a voter for the award, this writer did not include Sinclair on his ballot for the first time.

    The reason for the omission had a little but to do with a below par (by her standards) year, but it had much more to do with the emergence of other players in the national team set-up.

    Erin McLeod came into her own in 2013. After years of platooning, she clearly established herself as Canada's No 1, an accomplishment based as much on strong NWSL play as with the Nats. She was my No 3 selection. This is likely the one vote where I put more country weight in than club. McLeod was just OK at club level (although one should not ignore that she was a starter in one of the best women's leagues in the world). In the last two games Canada played, McLeod was simply unconscious.

    To be candid, I may have subconsciously voted McLeod over Sinclair out of a fear that Sinclair would get undeserved first place votes -- it was a strategic vote of sorts. Honestly, if I had to recast the vote a week later I might flip Sinclair into the third spot. Still, McLeod isn't without merit.

    The glue that holds Canada together and likely one of the biggest breakouts of the NWSL season was Desiree Scott. She plays a tough, fearless game and was my No 2 choice for player of the year.

    However, the No 1 pick was an easy selection. Those in Canada always knew her importance, but 2013 was the year that the rest of the WoSo world learned too. My vote for Canadian player of the year went to Washington midfielder Diana Matheson.

    She simply had the best year of any Canadian at both club and country level.

    Matheson's breakout didn't fully surprise John Herdman, but he still remains inspired by her at every camp.

    "She just keeps getting better," he said via email. "Her performances remain consistent and we hope she can start translating her NWSL goals to national team goals."

    However, Herdman went on to stress that Matheson's contributions go beyond the 90 minutes.

    (She's) a true leader in every way who sets a wonderful example to her teammates with an unshakeable performance focus."

    Those that followed the Spirit closely agree with Herdman's assessment.

    "Anyone who didn't know Diana Matheson before the NWSL season knows her now," journalist/author Beau Dure said. He was in a position to know, having written a book about the Spirit's first season.

    "Other teams did their best to stop her reasonably figuring that if they stopped here they would stop the Spirit."

    Dure speculates that if Washington had anyone to tie the offensive burden away from Matheson, who had eight goals, that the Spirit would have been far more competitive.

    Like Herdman, Dure said that Matheson's value goes beyond goals, however.

    "She became a fan favourite with her dry wit, her willingness to stand up to Alex Morgan and her embrace of living quarters in a nearby retirement home.

    "She simply exuded class all season."

    She's exuded class her whole career. This year it's time to recognize that officially by naming her the Canadian player of the year.

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