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  • Matchfixing in Canada: It's everyone's problem


    (Editors note from Ben Rycroft: These are nice sentiments from Duane but the reality is that Diana Swain, Harvey Cashore, Joseph Loreiro, Alex Shprintsen and the CBC investigative team deserve every bit of equal credit for this story. If not more. Not to mention Declan Hill, whose work remains the definitive guide to soccer matchfixing. Without them CSL matchfixing would have remained a story relegated to only Canadian soccer circles. It was through their resources, expertise and work that the story is one that has sustained and become as big as it has. For that, we can all be very thankful)

    The CSL matchfixing story is not mine to tell. It's not yours either. It's Ben Rycroft's (along with Declan Hill on an international level) and every reference to the story needs to start by acknowledging that it was Rycroft that put his neck out in Canada.

    It was Rycroft that pushed and pushed and kept pushing when no one else would and, when someone in authority finally does something to eradicate the cancer of matchfixing from Canadian soccer, it will be Rycroft that deserves all of the credit.

    With that said, it's time that all of us started to do more to support him in this fight. See, it may not be our story but it is our problem.

    If you love the Canadian national teams it's your problem.

    If you love local soccer -- and not just in Ontario -- it's your problem.

    If you love a MLS team, are involved in the game, or are just a fan of the sport it's your problem.


    Basically, nothing threatens the health of the game in this country like matchfixing does. Yet, few, if any, of us are doing a single thing about it. Instead we are content to sit back and watch others do the work.

    Sure, we might shake our head in disapproval when the stories are published, but we quickly go back to ignoring the problem, downplaying it or hoping that it just goes away.

    And with the soccer community ignoring the issue those outside of the community are either unaware it's happening or happy to dismiss it as being unique to the sport. The latter, of course, just serves to further isolate the game in an "ethnic" bubble.

    The end result is that, as Hill reported today, Canada has developed a reputation as a country where fixers can operate with ease and little fear of prosecution.

    Is there any wonder we're viewed as a backwater in the game?

    The apathy is easy to understand. The problem is just so big and, as individuals, it is easy to convince ourselves that there is little we can do to stop it.

    Unfortunately, that apathy spreads to the highest levels of the game. Without anyone (or very few people anyway) demanding that the CSA tackle the problem it's easy for the association to ignore it.

    The CSA needs to stop ignoring it and we, as supporters of the game, need to start to demand that action -- real, demonstrable action -- be taken.

    As Hill reported today, the alleged CSL fixing didn't stop in spite of Rycroft's and the CBC's comprehensive reporting. It's clear that they can't fight this fight alone.

    We need to help them.

    We need to contact the CSA and demand to know what they are doing to stop this.

    We need to stop turning a blind eye to suspicious results (and, although there is no reported evidence of fixing happening there, it is worthwhile to point out that the Pacific Coast league is increasingly being listed in betting markets and that the same favourable fixing environment exists there).

    We need to share what we do know about fixing in this country -- too often these stories are told at the pub at midnight rather than to people who might be able to do something about it.

    We need to educate local journalists that cover leagues where fixing is suspected. They are the ones in the best position to report suspicious activity.

    We need to educate young players under our influence about fixing so they are better prepared to deal with it if they are approached by fixers.

    And most of all we need to realize that we are dealing with a very serious issue that is not going to go away without a serious effort by everyone that cares about the game in this country.

    Rycroft, the CBC and Hill have done the heavy lifting. It's time for the rest of us to join the fight.

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