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  • Letter: Why I'm not renewing TFC season tickets


    Canadian Soccer News gets a fair amount of letters. Every once and a while we decide to print one because it either adds something to the conversation or articulately presents a side of an argument that is ongoing.

    This letter did both. Much of the sentiment from Toronto FC season ticket holders who are not renewing - or readers who present themselves as season ticket holders that are not renewing - tends to skew to the side of blind anger and further down the rabbit hole to conspiracy. Those types of comments don't add much to the debate over whether or not fans should renew. And more importantly it doesn't explore what the consequences of doing either - renewing or not - means.

    After the jump, there is a letter from a regular reader who copied us as he explained to MLSE why he was not renewing.

    If you have renewed and want to respond to the letter, or if you find yourself in similar circumstances as this gentlemen, we encourage you to respond in the comments or email us directly through the site.



    Dear MLSE

    I would normally want to give feedback to someone senior within your organization but neither Mr Anselmi or Mr Tannenbaum have public emails (that I can find, at least) to direct this message (which is a real shame because it further perpetuates my view that they are out of touch with their fan base).

    I have been a loyal supporter of the TFC since its inception. I have spent upwards of $20,000 on six season tickets and more when you consider apparel and food & beverage sales. I have made it to most games (except over the past two years) and have cheered on our Reds even when we were going through their "expansion woes" and trying to find ourselves. Win or lose it was a great experience and the excitement going to, during and after the games was palpable up until the last two years. I lived and breathed "Red" and always looked forward to a trip to BMO with my family and friends.

    No longer.

    Your franchise has failed in my eyes for the following reasons:

    1) MLSE has no one in a senior capacity who understands the game of soccer and, in my opinion, this will lead to more of the same disappointment over the next six years and beyond

    2) MLSE principal owner has no real interest in soccer; Mr Tannenbaum has probably been to no more than 6 games at BMO in his life. TFC is his business not his passion

    3) MLSE President & COO, who is the public face and issues the "mea culpas" is just an employee, with a good pension plan and a few stock options; he does not have "skin" in the game like the fans - people like me - do

    4) MLSE does not understand the importance of being an engaged, informed, responsive, and passionate owner like franchises in Montreal, Vancouver, Portland, Seattle, etc

    5) MLSE has outsourced their soccer expertise: one year its Jurgen Klinsman, another year it's a Canadian university women's coach who acts as agent for UK players/coaches

    6) MLSE has not taken proper responsibility for the failure of all of its professional franchises to make the play-offs; if they did more senior people within the MLSE would be fired other than the GMs/coaches; after all who hires the GMs/coaches?

    7) MLSE equated lower ticket prices in 2013 with assuaging fan resentment and keeping "bums in seats"; I find this insulting because I was more than prepared to pay existing prices if the on-filed product was superior

    8) MLSE could give the tickets away and without an adequate on-field product fans - like me - will not show up; just look at your crowds for Champions League games.

    9) MLSE does not have a long term planning process for soccer but instead reverts to hasty short term fixes, i.e. quick signing of older, injury prone Designated Players, switching "styles of plays" mid season from a possession-based, "keep on it on the ground" Dutch / Spanish style to a "route 1 - kick and run" English style, and lowering prices by 50% in a panic, etc.

    10) MLSE treats the TFC has a "hobby" (as opposed to the Leafs or Raptors) and as such, in a competitive entertainment marketplace, they do not deserve my time, money or eyeballs

    I will not be renewing my six seats this year. I will be unsubscribing from all MLSE emails. Once you address these ten issues I may reconsider my relationship with professional soccer in Toronto.


    Drew McDougall

    Season Ticket Acct# XXX-XXXX"

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