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  • Letter: On the security changes at BMO


    We received this from a non-supporter's group affiliated fan of TFC. We are publishing it to show that it's not just supporter's group members that are concerned about the security measures that have been put in place by TFC.

    It's worth noting that many fans have yet to learn of the changes and won't until they arrive at the stadium. Although most of the rules are focused on the supporter's sections, the pat downs will be stadium wide.

    Here is the letter. On request, indentifying names have been removed. There are no other edits.


    Hey there,

    I'm just curious as to what the supporter groups think of the new security legislation at BMO Field.

    XXXX and I think it's an utter over-reaction. We've been coming to games since year 2, and have never worried about our safety. Now suddenly there is a security crackdown because of a few flares last game.

    There will always be idiots doing stupid things, but now it seems they want to punish all fans by having them deal with long line ups and possible pat-downs at the gate. For me personally, I'm much more concerned about the line-ups. I have arthritis, and can't be standing around for prolonged periods.

    To XXXX and I, it seems as thought they are trying to get rid of casual fans this year: Many games in freezing cold, and very few games in the summer, when we actually come to most games.

    This new security crap has us questioning whether we want to go to games at all. We want to go and have fun, not deal with this kind of garbage.

    Do you guys think this is necessary? Was BMO Field that dangerous last weekend?? I've asked the question on twitter, and been accused of "not caring" that someone was hit by a flare. Sigh.

    Cheers, and hopefully TFC beats the Crew this weekend ! :-)

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