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  • Koevermans' injury: the pragmatic info


    Danny Koevermans is out for the rest of the year. Over the next few days Toronto fans will speculate on what that means from a tactical perspective (early interpretations are PANIC and WE'RE DOOMED, D O O M E D!!1!), but for now a quick look at what Toronto might do from a pragmatic perspective.

    Initially, nothing. However, as the injury is a long-term one Koevermans can be placed on the long-term injury list. They do that if and when they have a player to replace him on the roster. That will give Toronto some flexibility in how they can address his loss.

    The long-term injury rule:


    A team with a player lost to a season-ending injury can place the player on the Season Ending Injury List and replace that player on its roster, while remaining responsible for the full amount of the injured player’s salary. A player can be placed on the season-ending injury list once another player has been signed as a replacement (provided the team has budget space). International player limits still apply at the time a season-ending replacement is made (with the player being replaced not counting against those limits).

    Thee is no specific reference to the designated player rule in the rule, which forces us to speculate (CSN does have a request for clarification into the league). However, if DPs are treated in the same way that international slots are it would mean that Toronto could add a mid-season DP to replace Koevermans, in addition to a DP to replace Julian de Guzman (i.e. find a striker AND a defender).

    However, Koevermans salary will remain on Toronto's cap. So, it seems like a stretch to think that they would have the room. And, they would still need to get back to three DPs when Koevermans returns.

    It is worth noting that a half season DP cap hit is just $175,000. It might be workable, especially if it was a player that they knew was moving on at the end of the year.

    Eric Hassli, anyone?

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