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  • Is Jackson call-up in Canada's best interest?


    You would be hard-pressed to find a single Canadian supporter that doesn’t want Simeon Jackson to be successful and who doesn’t love the passion and commitment that he brings to the national team set-up.

    So, on first glance, it seems unlikely that anyone would critique the decision to bring the Mississauga-native back up for the next two games of the qualifying campaign. If Jackson is health, he’s called is the default thinking.

    But, should it be? I’m not so sure.


    Before you throw something at your computer, hear me out. My position has nothing to do with talent, or with Jackson’s long-term position in the program. Rather, it’s an acknowledgment of the struggles that Jackson is having getting on the pitch at Norwich.

    Although the EPL is on a international break, would it still not be beneficial for Jackson to stay back, keep his head down and fight to get more playing time there? Would that not be better for Canada long-term than having him go on a Caribbean adventure in St. Lucia?

    When asked, Stephen Hart didn’t agree with my position, but didn’t dismiss it.

    “This is a case where it might seem like I’m contradicting myself,” Hart said, referencing his oft-repeated position that players that are playing regularly at their clubs should be called up. “But, his team isn’t playing during the games and it is a situation where we wondered whether it’s better to keep showing confidence in him and hope that the club sees that (and gives him more playing time.”

    Hart also indicated that Jackson’s position on the right side of the forward line makes him more valuable to Canada than if he played a more central role.

    Regardless, Jackson has struggled for playing time at the club level before and has always fould a way to force his way back into the mix. With some injury concerns at Norwich now, it’s possible that the debate will be irrelevant by the time the WCQ games kick-off.

    As Canadians, we should hope so.

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