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  • Irrational First Thoughts: Getting real


    Now it gets real. The season opener and the home opener are past and the excitement around them is done.

    And, it was exciting. After the past few years the last couple weeks has been a Godsend -- a cathartic release after a lot of frustration.

    But, that's done. This is just another game in the grind of games that makes up a MLS season. It's hard to come to grips with.

    [PRBREAK][/PRBREAK]You see as much as we could forget that the Reds have been around for seven full seasons during the last two weeks, we can't anymore. This isn't new. The third game in a 34 game season doesn't have the same pull it would have when TFC actually was new and fresh.

    The anticipation isn't as strong. The stress not as all encompassing. Instead there has been a realization that nothing has yet been won.

    And, although there is hope, there is also fear that it's been a mirage so far. That possession number hasn't been very good. What if Defoe gets hurt? Worse, Bradley.

    Two weeks of joy does not erase seven years of abuse, after all. It's too soon to believe. It's too soon to fully forgive and trust.

    In many ways, for those that have been here through it all, the season actually starts now. The Bloody Big Party is done. It's time to prove that this is real.

    Are you ready?

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