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  • Frings likely done after 2013


    Torsten Frings didn't outright announce his retirement in this German interview from earlier this month. However, he came pretty close.


    Ich hatte gerade einen kleinen Eingriff an der Hüfte. Aber alles wieder okay. Im Januar reise ich rüber und starte in die Vorbereitung. Ein Jahr noch, dann reicht es aber auch. Ich will nicht noch länger Fußball spielen.

    Using Google translate and some German 101 that basically translates to "I had surgery. I'm fine now. I want to play one more year, but that's it."

    The rest of the interview deals with his perspective of the level of MLS (good teams would be lower Bundesliga sides, bad teams would be mid-table B2), his love of Toronto sports (MLSE helps him get tickets), MLS travel (much worse than he thought it would be), Toronto (loves it) and the team (loves feeling part of a close group).

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