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  • Drama the new normal in Montreal



    The club is called the Montreal Impact, but, at times, it seems like Montreal Drama might be a better fit. This is a club that always seems to have something going on, someone being fired or some protest being planned. It works for them. The Impact have won more Voyageurs Cups and have gone deeper in the Champions League than any other Canadian side.


    Montreal is a passionate city and its football team reflects that. So, it stands to reason that even something as simple as a logo launch would result in some sort of controversy. Upset over....something, they aren't really talking to anyone to clarify what exactly...the Ultras staged a walk-out during the game of the launch.

    That, in turn, caused Joey Saputo to release an open letter asking the group to, well, chill basically. So, just another day in Montreal, really.

    As a quick aside, at the risk of turning CSN into a fashion blog, it's a nice logo -- certainly about 20 times better than the cartoony thing they currently use. The Inter inspired look could result in one of the nicest strips in the league too. So, good job.

    As for the supporter's group conflict, we all should hope that they find a way to sort it out. Montreal has a unique atmosphere and will add a lot to MLS -- so long as the league and management don’t try to sanitize it.

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