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  • DeGone?


    What was a rumour a couple week's ago is now a full-blown panic attack for many TFC fans. Celtic boss Neil Lennon has confirmed that Dwayne deRosario will be on trial with the club next month.

    It's unclear whether Celtic is looking at DeRo for a short term loan or for a full-time move.


    Initial requests for comment to both TFC and the deRosario camp were not answered. This story will update if a response is had.

    The tone of the Scottish report is very much in line with a "sure we'll look at him, why not?" attitude. Lennon admits that he hasn't seen much of him and that he's receiving the invite based on a recommendation. So, this is far from a done deal. Actually, from the sound of the report this has about as much importance as running a 17-year-old from the youth side out for a look might.

    Lennon said: "I’m not saying we are going to sign everyone who comes our way, and I’m not saying this is a done deal. But it might just be a little bonus for us along the way without it costing us the earth."

    So, don't expect a really big press conference if he signs.

    From a TFC perspective it's a bit bigger news of course. It's hard to imagine replacing DeRo's offense. There is a feeling out there by some that DeRo might not be the right fit in Toronto though and his $300,000 cap hit could be better used.

    Time (might) tell. This still seems a long way off. From a Canadian national team perspective there might be some benefit to seeing the ultimate big-fish-small-pond player tested in Europe (although whether Hamilton Academical is really any better than the New England Revolution is up for debate).

    Update: The club denies that DeRo is going anywhere.

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