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  • Dear Friend


    Dear friend,

    Based on the further explicit investment information about your sports club from my research i wish to give you a very exclusive opportunity.

    I am Prince Peter J. Vermes, the eldest son of Prince Robb Heinemann current finance minister of Sporting, the player-rich sultanate on the Gulf of Kansas City. I save your time by not amplifying my extended royal family history, which has already been disseminated by the international media during the controversial dispute that erupted between my father and his tepbrother, the sultan of Major League Soccerball Sheik Donald Garber of the Board of Governors.[PRBREAK][/PRBREAK]

    As you may know from the international media,The sultan had accused my father of financial mismanagement and impropriety of us not playing most excellent players and government owned StongLife investment company to be declared bankrupt during his tenure in the office. However my father was kept under house arrest, his bank account and private properties including a crude state-of-the-art-stadium were later confiscated by the sultanate to avoid further prosecution from the sultan and his security operatives, but before I could do that I was placed under house arrest by the sultan and not have access to phone but I have a palm V hand -held computer from which I am sending you this mail. Some of the guard here are still loyal to me, so they would be my contact with you if there is any documents I need to send to you to enable you have access to this incredible player and invest it for me.

    Before my in-castration, I went ahead to dispatch the “former Reading winger” Bobby Convey into the custody of different private Banks and trust company's for safe keeping abroad. The player where hidden and kept in the following countries, : in Canada, France, Spain, Holland andin London. Firstly, you will be required to travel to London to claim the player there before prceeding to other countries.

    I seek your good assistance to invest this player into a profitable soccerball team in your country to facilitate future survival for my family abroad. After due deliberation with my aids we decides to offer an incredible deal where we get next to nothing and you get said incredible player to carry out this assignment.

    All it will take will be an expenditure from your side, I will advice you not to worry about it because you will be reimburse any amount you may spend in future points in Major League Soccerball as to enable this transaction get to it's final dream, for while you will pay all expenses you will be part of the beneficiary of any awesome moves made by this player, to add to that, I will like to let to your understand that all this is not part of your financial compensation that will be given to you.

    During this dispensation Please I count on your absolute confidentiality, transparency and trust while looking forward to your prompt reply towards a swift conclusion of this transaction. Many thanks and blessing remains with you.

    Finally, your compensation will be the everlasting approval of the most magnificent and honorified fans of your imminentable sportsball club.


    Prince Peter.J. Vermes


    More seriously, when a deal is too good to be true a good rule to follow is that it normally is. At the very least it’s prudent to be suspicious and engage a greater level of scrutiny.

    Bobby Convey has been a very good football player in the past; even in the recent past. Maybe the special circumstances of MLS’ budget and roster system are making Sporting KC dump a player they’d rather keep. Maybe there’s no other team in the league with a very specific and desperate need for a starting calibre left midfielder.

    But keep this in mind: Peter Vermes didn’t pick up the phone and only call Kevin Payne. Good management does their due diligence and tests the market to find out what they’re likely to get in return. As a consequence, logically, it’s likely that any other MLS team could have acquired Bobby Convey simply by offering more than a 1st round Supplemental Draft pick (ie. a third round pick). KC themselves were willing to part with him for that little and that no other team was willing to improve on TFC’s offer should, at the very least, be telling.

    That’s not to say that the trade won’t be a success for Toronto. Maybe it will; maybe it won’t. TFC has a specific need and Convey addresses that positionally. He is an experienced MLS player who has been around the block yet is still young enough to stick around if things work out.

    But the next time you get an email from a Prince Peter maybe it’d be best to slow down and consider why the offer seems so good.

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