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  • CSA responds to expedition denial

    Duane Rollins

    CSA response unedited:

    Ontario Human Rights Tribunal decides turf claim doesn’t merit early hearing

    The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal has refused to expedite the hearing of the claim about the use of turf in the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2015™. The Tribunal noted that the applicants themselves had failed to bring their claim in a timely manner, and that FIFA and the Canadian Soccer Association should have an opportunity to fully respond to the applicants’ allegations. The decision recognized that the case raised serious questions about the jurisdiction of the Tribunal to deal with the matter, and whether the order sought by the applicants would be available in any event.

    View the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal's interim decision to the applicants' request for expedited hearing: http://www.canadasoccer.com/files/HRTO_No2014_18923_1_InterimDecision_20141107.pdf

    The Canadian Soccer Association is pleased with the Tribunal’s decision. “We continue to move forward with our preparations for what will be a world-class competition played on consistent, top quality FIFA 2-Star certified football turf surfaces,” remarked Victor Montagliani, President of the Canadian Soccer Association.

    The Tribunal indicated in its decision that it was prepared to offer the parties an opportunity for an early mediation. The Canadian Soccer Association has advised the Tribunal that it is not willing to participate in an early mediation in this matter.

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