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    If you follow links to the official Web site of the Barbados Football Association's you end up here.

    Someone forgot to pay the bill, I guess.


    Yet the association's 75-year-old president has been entrusted to run CONCACAF. It's a bit like appointing the Mayor of Maple Creek, Saskatchewan acting Prime Minister the next time Stevie Harper gets a cold.

    To call Lisle Austin Jack Warner's puppet is probably an insult to puppets. Not that Warner apparently needs a mouthpiece as he's been busy making demands from the sidelines, suspended or not. Welcome to CONCACAF, where its leaders do not dignify their spit by displaying any level of transparency.


    The arrogance is staggering.

    As for Austin, well, apparently he didn't have the authority to fire Chuck Blazer. That didn't stop him from trying.


    We'll keep the links coming. Who needs the Gold Cup with this entertainment?

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