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  • Canadian content: Mariner v Winter


    One of the biggest complaints some fans have regarding Paul Mariner is that they feel that he favours non-Canadian players over the domestic group at TFC. It’s suggested that a player like Arron Maund gets too free of a pass, while a Matt Stinson rots on the bench.

    Those that believe Aron Winter should have been given more time sugget that this is a key difference area between the two men. If Toronto was going to lose anyway, it might as well lose with Canadians.

    Is the perception true? Did Winter use Canadians more than Mariner currently does. Let’s look.


    Using the data mined by the blog Out of Touch, we looked at TFC’s Canadian minutes for every game this season. Since Mariner has not yet led the team out for a Canadian championship game, we’ve excluded those numbers. Typically, managers at TFC have used more Canadians in the Voyageur Cup games, with the thought that the Canadians are more inspired by the competition.

    Certainly, Winter operated in that way. Three of the top four games with Canadian minutes this year were in the V-Cup.

    Again, these numbers are excluded so that we are as close to possible to an apples to apples comparison. They are listed below for your consideration:


    Montreal 1st – 449

    Montreal 2nd – 393

    Vancouver 1st – 450

    Vancouver 2nd – 333

    So, Winter played Canadians for 1,620 minutes out of a possible 3,960 in the V-Cup. That represents 41 percent of minutes played.

    Now, let’s break down the rest of Winter’s games:


    Galaxy 1st – 180

    Galaxy 2nd – 198

    Santos 1st – 270

    Santos 2nd – 291

    939 minutes out of 3,960, or 23.7 percent.


    Seattle – 90

    San Jose – 225

    Columbus – 235

    Montreal – 308

    Chivas – 304

    Chicago – 338

    Salt Lake – 355

    DC United – 270

    DC United – 405

    Philly – 360

    2,890 minutes out of 9,900, or 29.1 percent.

    The total for Winter is 3,829 minutes out of 13,860, or 27.6 percent. If you include the Voyageurs Cup the numbers are 5,449 out of 17,820, or 30.5 percent.

    Now let’s look at Mariner.


    Aguila – 256

    Santos – 180

    Aguila – 195

    631 out of 2,970, or 21.2 percent.


    Kansas City – 298

    Houston – 351

    New England – 352

    New York – 180

    Philly – 204

    Vancouver – 301

    New England – 271

    Chicago – 275

    Houston – 263

    Chicago – 258

    Portland – 190

    Kansas City – 216

    Columbus – 180

    Houston – 112

    Kansas City – 90

    Chicago – 60

    Philly – 90

    L.A. 180

    3,871 out of 17,820, or 21.7 percent.

    Overall, Mariner comes in at 4,502 minutes out of 20,790 or 21.6 percent.

    So, Winter did use Canadians more than Mariner has so far -- 27.6 percent to 21.6 percent, a 6 percent difference. In terms of minutes that works out to 59:24 per game.

    The trading of Julian de Guzman is likely the biggest factor in that difference, with Doneil Henry’s injury also contributing. Certainly, there has been a dramatic decrease in Canadian minutes over four of the last five games.

    Lastly, we will compare the two men with the other two Canadian MLS teams.

    Vancouver has a total of 0.38 percent Canadian minutes versus Montreal’s 6.25 percent.

    CSN will allow others to decide what any of these numbers mean, or if they are important.

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