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  • Broken promises? Or just football...


    It’s not so much a he said, he said situation. Rather, it’s more of a he said, he doesn’t even pretend to care one.

    Eddy Sidra joined Bas Ent this week in claiming that Toronto FC reneged on a contract offer made to him last October.

    Although the player, now with FC Edmonton, does not have paperwork to back up his claim he does feel aggrieved by the way it went down.

    Toronto is not offering comment on the situation, nor would you expect that it will. MLS teams don’t talk contracts and they especially don’t talk contracts of players that aren’t with a team in the league.

    Many fans are frustrated by this story and feel that it poorly reflects Toronto. Ultimately it’s suggested that such stories could impact the club’s ability to attract players in the future.

    If it’s true, it is unfortunate. You should hope that TFC made sure that the players were at least taken care of in the time since October until being released from training camp. In Ent’s case there are suggestions that did happen. However, we must also take a look at this from Aron Winter’s position.

    His (likely) position: Who the hell are Bas Ent and Eddy Sidra? There is literally no way in hell Eddy Sidra’s contract situation will stop TFC from signing other players.

    These are, at best, depth players and it seems unlikely that they actually were offered a no strings contract. What’s more likely is that they were offered a full trial and were told they would be given a good look.

    Then a new coach came to town. That sucks for them but it’s hardly revolutionary. It’s just football.

    Still, if it can add any spice to the April 27 cup tie between TFC and Edmonton then all the better.

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