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  • Anti-OPDL forces attempt to launch rival league


    When you get an email promising more than seems possible you should think long and hard about whether it's real.

    That Nigerian prince probably isn't going to send you the rest of the money, there might be a catch to that Jamaican cruise and you probably aren't going to launch a pro career for your son or daughter by sending them to a soccer camp in Niagara.

    Yet, that's what's being implied in an e-mail circulating today by a group calling itself the Youth Soccer League of Ontario -- YSLO (not to be mistaken with Drake catchphrases).

    For what it's worth, YSLO promises "an opportunity to highly skilled, hard working and committed players to join in a new year round Identification and Development programme."

    It goes on to stress that "this will NOT take away from regular participation with a Club/Academy."

    CSN has confirmed that the league is not sanctioned. Typically, a player risks his or her status if they play in unsanctioned leagues.

    YSLO is being run by Bert Lobo, who used to run the Ontario Youth Soccer League, which is being phased out in favour of the LTPD standards based OPDL.

    Many of those who were involved in the OYSL have spoken out against the OPDL. It's been suggested by those in favour of a standards based approach that the opposition is due to a former revenue stream being cut off.

    Although the YSLO group says that athletes deemed to be in the pro/national team/NCAA pathway can play for free, there is a "a nominal cost" for players not deemed good enough for that level.

    "For people not versed in the language of soccer this could look like a great opportunity," an Ontario insider said, "but in reality it will only deceive some unsuspecting parents out of their money as a further attempt to undermine LTPD."

    So, whereas it's true that YOLO, you should probably give YSLO a skip.

    This post was made during the site's 48-hour blogging marathon. We are attempting to raise funds to keep the site running through to the end of 2015 (and hopefully beyond).

    We are 25 percent of the way to our goal of $2,400.

    There are four ways to donate.

    1) You can send an EMT to CSNDonation@gmail.com

    2) You can make a PayPal donation to dgrollins@gmail.com

    3) You can make a cash donation to me in person (I will be at BMO Field on Wednesday -- email me for my phone number to arrange a meet up)

    4) You can mail me a cheque. Email me at DuaneGRollins@gmail.com for address.

    Thanks to all that have contributed so far and thanks to those who are considering a contribution.

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