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  • A call for transparency


    On Wednesday Andrew Jennings was a guest on Prime Time Sports, where he was interviewed by Bob McCown and Stephen Brunt about the current FIFA and CONCACAF fiasco. In that interview, Jennings strongly encouraged Brunt to hang out at the airport and demand that the CSA representatives tell him how they voted last week.

    I don't know if he went that far, but he did pen a column today demanding just that. As servants to Canadian tax payers (by virtue of the fact that tax dollars help fund the CSA) Dominique Maestracci and Peter Montopoli owe us that level of transparency).

    Not shockingly the CSA gave Brunt a non-answer when he asked. The e-mail response from communications manager, Michele Dion


    For now, neither the president nor general secretary are available for comments. Given the sensitivity of the matter, and the speculation that has been going on over the past few days, we wish to let them travel back and focus on the upcoming competitions for our national teams.
    Based on conversations I've had over the past few days I suspect Canada voted for the vote to be delayed and, likely, spoiled the ballot in the presidential election. However, I also have been told that it is highly unlikely that they will ever go public with how they voted. They want to play a role in helping to bring change to FIFA and CONCACAF, but they believe that they must do so on the down low.

    On one level you can understand the fear. Canada can't afford to give up any influence it might have ands sticking your neck out at FIFA generally doesn't accomplish much more than getting it chopped off.

    However, Brunt's right. These problems have evolved because the sport's leaders have kept quiet. We need to demand that the CSA disclose how it voted.

    Do you agree? If so, let the CSA know. The more they hear from the public, the more likely it is that they'll do the right thing.


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