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  • 2013 TFC season review: Part IV -- The report card


    As much as it is tempting to do so, you can't paint all TFC players in the same brush. Below the jump our annual report card of player performance:


    Gale Agbossoumonde D+

    A lot of raw physical ability, but raw is key word. Ultimately lost his job to a 20-year-old Canadian. Chance he's back (CHB): 85%

    Manuel Aparicio Inc.

    They are high on him, but no chance to earn grade yet. CHB: 100%

    Kyle Bekker C-

    Low grade because he sat rotted to bench most of year. Looked promising when did play at end of year and with Canada. CHB: 90%

    Joe Bendik B-

    Good shot-stopper. Exactly a MLS replacement level keeper. CHB: 100%

    Mark Bloom C-

    At best looked like a replacement level back. That's all club wants in that position because money better spent elsewhere. CHB: 95%

    Justin Braun F

    A terrible season for a player that looks out of depth at MLS level now. CHB: 15%

    Steven Caldwell A

    Probably the best overall season of any Red. The cornerstone to Ryan Nelsen's plans. CHB: 100%

    Bobby Convey C

    Good veteran that didn't get a lot of chance to stand out because of club's overall struggles. CHB: 66%

    Bright Dike C-

    Looked game, but very, very raw in limited time. CHB: 98%

    Robert Earnshaw B

    At times he looked like he was here for a laugh -- a nice North American adventure at end of career. At other times he looked every bit the goal scorer he's been elsewhere in career. CHB: 50%

    Richard Eckersley B-

    The sad thing about Eckersley's end here in Toronto is he finally seemed to be improving on the weaker parts of his game. He is above average as a fullback, but few want to play close to his value at that position. CHB: 0%

    Jonas Elmer F

    He barely played, but was here long enough to earn the F for barely playing. CHB: 5%

    Stefan Frei Inc.

    Class to the end. CHB: 1% (there is a possibility that he might agree to play at a minimum if he doesn't get another offer)

    Jeremy Hall B-

    Quietly, one of the better turnarounds. He's only ever going to bring so much though. CHB: 66%

    Doneil Henry C+

    Athletic. Good for at least one NOOOOOO!!! moment a game. CHB: 100%

    Danny Koevermans Inc

    Injuries likely ended career. CHB: 5%

    Chris Konopka Inc

    Next year's back-up. CHB: 100%

    Matías Laba B+

    Historically about one out of every five Kevin Payne signings work out. Laba is the 20%. CHB: 100%

    Reggie Lambe B-

    Probably the biggest surprise on the positive side in 2013. Lambe went from scapegoat to solid contributor this year. CHB: 95%

    Ashtone Morgan C

    The promise of a couple years ago has failed to materialize, but he seemed to emerge from the funk he had been in during the second half of 2012. Hope still for a breakout. CHB: 100%

    Jonathan Osorio B+

    The hometown hero made good. Fans are likely over inflating his current standing, but Osorio is a MLS starter on most teams. Add the homegrown status and he's going to be a mainstay. CHB: 100%

    Alvaro Rey B+

    Looked solid if not fully adjusted. Could finally be the winger TFC has searched 7-years for. CHB: 75% (he's paid a lot)

    Ryan Richter D+

    One of the rudderless additions made to fill a hole that should have been filled if Payne had done his job properly. CHB: 10%

    Quillan Roberts Inc

    Kid needs to play. CHB (on loan): 100%

    Darel Russell D

    Not MLS quality. CHB:10%

    Michael Thomas Inc

    Who knows? CHB: 25%

    Emery Welshman F

    It seems increasingly clear he was taken because his passport. He didn't play, but earned he F because he was there all year and didn't play. CHB:25%

    Andrew Wiedeman C-

    He's fine as a fifth striking option. Might be best if he moved on and away from the best finisher of the modern era comments. CHB: 33%

    Players already gone:

    Matt Stinson F

    He never had the drive.

    Ashton Bennett Inc

    Only was on roster because they needed to fill space at start

    Taylor Morgan Inc

    See above

    John Bostock D

    Hogan Ephraim D

    I'm going to grade these two together because they seemed interchangeable. Had a nice summer vacation. Played a little football. Went home.

    Terry Dunfield C-

    Right to the end, tassels hustled and contributed above his skill level.

    Darren O'Dea B-

    His salary was terrible. His play fine. Seemed to genuinely care bout club, which is worth something.

    Luis Silva C+

    The one that got away will likely be missed in future, but he was having a subpar season at TFC before he was moved.

    Logan Emory D+

    He tried his best.

    Danny Califf F

    Never really wanted to be here and probably shouldn't have been.

    Jeremy Brockie C-

    He was a decent, hustle forward --Chad Barrett with an accent. I'm giving him a 25% chance of returning on a full-time deal.

    Maximiliano Urruti A+

    By far the player that best summarizes both 2013 and the entire TFC experience. An A+ for the LOLs.

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