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  • 2013 TFC season review -- Part I: What went right


    It's tempting to just write 'nothing' and call it a day.

    If we're being charitable we might say 'Jonathon Osorio.' If we're being charitable.

    Not much went right for TFC in 2013. They had slightly more points than they did in the horror show that was 2012, but such "progress" is relative. Take out the 0-9 start of 2012 and Ryan Nelson's team had less points per game than the Reds of a year ago.

    Still, there are a few straws to clutch.


    The local boy Osorio making good is one. Those that are more technically inclined than I say his game needs work yet (especially mentally) but he's a great prospect that should get better.

    That, sets up a nice problem in the midfield where three young guys -- Kyle Bekker, Matias Laba and Osorio -- look like they have minutes to give.

    The situation at the back isn't nearly as good, but not totally bleak. Doneil Henry improved greatly under former defender Ryan Nelsen and Ashtone Morgan seemed to emerge from his 6-month funk.

    Add Joe Bendik between posts and you have a very young core that, for once, looks likely to return whole. Sticking with a young core worked for New England this year and it could work for TFC next.

    They need to supplement things with the right vets. And that's where the biggest hope can be gained. Toronto has a ton of cap room, MLSE's money, the No 3 spot in the returning player allocation order and all that 'you suck' MLS allocation money that is supposed to create parity.

    If they know what they are doing they should be ready to turn the corner. It's all there.

    Except there is no evidence they know what they are doing and plenty that they don't. Years and years of evidence across multiple sports.

    Did MLSE finally hire the right guys? Blind squirrels do get the occasional nuts. That's not much to hold onto but after seven years of incompetence TFC fans take what they can get.

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