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  • 2012 Canadian Soccer News Awards: World Performance of the Year



    Famously Sigmund Freud was said to have said that ‘Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.’ The meaning being that you can occasionally get caught up in trying to find hidden meaning in something and miss what’s plainly obvious.

    That’s the case with the 2012 World Performance of the Year. There really could only ever be one winner.


    Lionel Messi.

    The man has scored 91 goals in 2012.

    Ninety-one goals.

    That’s astounding.

    Debate about his place amongst the greatest players in history will continue forever (as those kind of debates go), but few can deny that this was a special year for a special player.

    A player that is only just 25 years old -- he’s just now entering his peak years. We all should rejoice that we are football fans living while he is playing. Few, if any, have ever put the ball in the back of the net as well as he does.

    Words don’t really do him justice, of course. So, sit back and watch.


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