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  • 2011 TFC season review: Part IV - The report card


    In part IV of CSN’s TFC season wrap-up we grade the players. The report card is below the jump.



    Danny Koevermans

    It’s a very small sample size, which is why Danny 2.0 doesn’t quite hit the A+ level. However, with nine goals in 11 appearances the importance of the big striker is obvious.


    Torsten Frings

    It was clear the second he stepped on the pitch that he was a step above any player that has ever played for the Reds. Although language is a factor, his leadership is already clear. Being played out of position at times and forced to do pretty much everything on the pitch caused a few mistakes to pop up from time to time, thus a downgrade to an A- from an A.


    Julian de Guzman

    His second half performance was in the A grades; his first in the Cs. There were times when de Guzman’s influence was what you might expect from a DP. He needs to continue that in 2012 and if he does there will be a lot less boo-birds.

    Stefan Frei

    Frei may have taken a slight step back in 2011 – or, at least, he didn’t progress. The same strength still there (shot blocking) and the same weakness (distribution) still needs work.

    Milos Kocic

    Probably the biggest surprise of the season, Kocic proved to be an equal to Frei. Both keepers were vital to success – likely too vital...


    Ryan Johnson

    A beast in CCL play, Johnson showed that he might still have some goals left in him.


    Joao Plata

    This will cause some controversy – although a B- isn’t a bad mark – but as exciting as Plata could be he also had some limitations. He tended to be a bit selfish on the ball and would attack defenders the same way again and again. Still, the flare was clear and he’s still very young.

    Richard Eckersley

    Eckersley is great going forward. Going back is why Burnley isn’t all that interested in keeping him. A good addition, but he should only be brought back at the right price.

    Eric Avila

    We didn’t see quite enough to mark him higher, but Avila is exciting close observers of the club.


    Nick Soolsma

    It looked like he figured MLS out with about two months left in the season. It might have been just enough to get a second year with the Reds.

    Adrian Cann

    His injury prevents us from ranking him higher.

    Terry Dunfield

    No one can doubt his spirit. Trying to figure out where he fits is more of a question. At this stage of his career, Dunfield is a very good depth player, but a slightly below average starter. If he’s willing to come back in that role (at that salary point) then he will fill an important role as a utility midfielder.

    Ashtone Morgan

    Incredible promise, but the game isn’t fully developed yet.

    Dicoy Williams

    Same as Cann – injury makes it difficult to rank higher, but when healthy looked solid.


    Ty Harden

    Harden really wasn’t TFC’s worst player. He was just exposed a lot and lacks the talent to make up for others mistakes. A scapegoat that can have a useful role – just not as your best centreback.

    Doneil Henry

    To play any time as a 19 year old at centreback is impressive. Henry’s game is incomplete, but his promise is impressive.


    Mikael Yourassowsky

    A journeyman pro that played like one. Really just a warm body that is replaceable (and likely will be).

    Matt Stinson

    Stinson was likely the least impactful of the three homegrown players, but like the other two his promise outshines his current ability.

    Peri Marosevic

    It was quite a debut, but one game (one touch, really) doesn’t make a season. He’s at a point in his career where he will need to stand up and prove himself in camp next year.


    Andy Iro

    Slow, stumbling and tactically inept. Iro was a problem. We aren’t giving him a failing grade because there is some truth to idea that midfield mistakes made Iro look even worse.

    Nathan Sturgis

    A Preki player that had the misfortune of being brought in to a team hell-bent on playing a style that didn’t fit his skills. He will likely be moved.

    Danleigh Borman

    He was just kind of there. When an academy kid bumps you from your starting spot the writing is on the wall.

    Gianluca Zavarise

    His injury knocked him out of action for too long to fully evaluate, but he never managed to make himself noticeable.


    Javier Martina

    He only avoids the F because of the Portland game. This is a player that could be out of options now. It’s highly unlikely that he’ll be back.


    Leandre Griffit

    It’s pretty clear he was a throw in on the Iro deal because Columbus didn’t want him. It’s also pretty clear TFC doesn’t either.

    Eddy Viator

    He was brought in as a desperation move and it wasn’t long before TFC realized they were better off using academy kids. It’s highly unlikely that he’ll be back.


    Nicholas Lindsay

    Demitrius Omphroy

    Elbekay Bouchiba

    Two missed year with injury and the other played one minute for the senior team as they converted him from fullback to forward.

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